Claim your FREE license now!

We have a few FREE Lincenses for Campgrounds

It is SUPER simple • Does NOT need an integration • Guests will be able to order items within one hour!


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Call 4 Campgrounds!


FREE Licenses for Campgrounds! 🤩

Call for Campgrounds

Here’s how it works: It’s really simple. Just enter your email above, and we’ll handle the setup for your campground. 

We will reach out to you and within one hour, you'll be ready to accept orders from your guests via our app—completely free of charge. 

Yes, you read that right. After a quick phone call and an hour of setup time, you'll be up and running with our app at no cost.

Why Participate?

  1. Boost your Revenue and Profit: Give your guests an innovative and outstanding service experience, skyrocket guest satisfaction and raise your revenue and profit! That's a no-brainer isn't it?
  2. Lifetime Free Access: Enjoy all the features of Nomad Neighbor for free, forever. We are serious, there is no catch.
  3. Enhanced Visibility: Get featured in our app as a top campground for excellent service, attracting more guests and boosting your visibility.

How to Apply

Simply enter your email address in the form above. That's it.

We have only a few spots available, and only for a limited time! Seriously, what are you waiting for 😊?

Still undecided? We Understand.

As a campground owner/manager, you face many decisions daily. It's crucial not to rush, especially with tools that impact your business. 

Just get in touch with us, and we’ll set up your campground in no time so you see it in action. After a quick demo, you can decide if it’s a fit for you. And if not, no biggie—at least you’ll have had a fun 30-minute break! 😊

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